Hickling Herefords needed a website and logo to promote their growing herd of Hereford cattle. The logo for Hickling Herefords was a pleasure to create, it’s based on a photo of their first own bred bull, Hickling Norman. Hickling Herefords is part of the Norman Farming Partnership, a family who have run the farm for 5 generations.
We created a WordPress website design for the client. WordPress is a popular content management system that allows anyone with some basic computer skills update the website and add new posts. The main function of the website is to promote the herd and provide information to potential buyers. The heritage of each animal is important so we have set up profiles for each animal and grouped them under herd dams and herd sires. We also added a for sale section to promote any animals for sale.
We added additional pages to provide supporting information and material. These include a contact page, about page, a gallery for photos, and a news section. Hickling Herefords display their cattle regularly at shows so we added a section where you can find out where they are going next.