
How to Write a Successful Blog Post

How to Write a Successful Blog Post

How to Write a Successful Blog Post That Will Drive Traffic to Your Website Headline The headline is the most important part of your blog post. 80% of viewers never make it past the average headline. However, if your take a little time to get it...

What makes a successful blog

What makes a successful blog

There are 31 million bloggers in the United States, and over 150 million blogs worldwide. Finding some success blogging for business is generally quite easy. Businesses with blogs generate 67% more leads each month, so the is a good ROI for most sites. Blogging...

8 biggest newbie blogging mistakes

8 biggest newbie blogging mistakes

Blogging has become a popular way for individuals and businesses to share their ideas and expertise with the world. While it may seem easy to start a blog, many newbies make common mistakes that can hinder their success. In this post, we will discuss the eight biggest...

12 steps to write great content people want to read

12 steps to write great content people want to read

Writing is easy, but great writing is hard. If you want to get read online your content has to be of the highest standard. Here is a 12 step guide to writing great content that people will want to read. First you need to decide what you are trying to achieve with your...

11 ways to create stunning visual content

11 ways to create stunning visual content

Visual content can make a big difference to your marketing efforts and website. Articles with images get a lot more shares on social media. People tend to skim online content so you need to get your message across clearly, and visual content is a great way to do...

Writing strategies for frustrated bloggers

Writing strategies for frustrated bloggers

Writing can be a challenge for even the seasoned professional, but for some the mere thought of writing sends a cold shiver down their spine. I am one of the latter. This guide is for all the frustrated writers who, like me, struggle with the “I can’t write” syndrome....

Rise of the content hacker

Rise of the content hacker

Growth hacking is a term that been about for a few years now, it was first used by Sean Ellis in 2010. It is a marketing methodology popular with startups, where the focus is on quick growth of the companies userbase. Growth hackers use low cost marketing...

29 ways to keep being creative

29 ways to keep being creative

If you work in a creative business you’ll know that staying creative can be a challenge. There are many distraction in the modern workplace, and demands on your time and attention. To stay creative you’ll need to get on top of your work life and make a...